Saturday, August 21, 2010

Progress Report (08/21/2010)

An updated main menu showing Kristen's button design.
FYI, attached is a low-quality screen shot of the latest iteration of the Main Menu, since it just got a minor face lift this week.  Mull it over and let me know how you feel about it when we critique stuff at our next meeting.  I have some ideas for how to improve it, in addition to adding Kristen's cool city skyline, of course.

And just to pat myself on the back, notice that I've accomplished almost everything in my "Next Steps" segment from last week.  Yay me!  :)


  • Finished log file integration in both client and server.
  • Put game logo on main menu.
  • Created TLCButtonFactory class for creating custom buttons.
    • Used it to add "large buttons" to main menu.
  • Reorganized TLCUI class.  Simplified access to fonts and images and created a facade for the button factory to decouple it from the screens.
  • Made a design decision regarding Troopers:  They will be given one extra, automatic AT and DF point in all combat actions against a Captain.  Combined with the MV bonus that a Trooper already receives, this creates a clear, intransitive symmetry that will give players a more tangible reason to have all three character types on their teams.
  • Wrote batch scripts for backing up project files to the Dropbox.
  • Started laying out a basic web site for the game.

Known Issues:

  • The standalone server app suddenly started crashing.  And when it does run, the UI is not being properly assembled.
  • Images from MHFramework don't load when running as a standalone executable.  (Low-priority problem that I think I know how to fix.)
  • Intermittent startup issues -- random exceptions that seem to be prevented by refreshing the JVM.
  • I was unable to reproduce the issue with player name registration.  It hasn't happened again, so maybe it's gone.

Next Steps:
High priority:

  • Update design doc with Troopers' bonuses vs. Captains
  • Update design doc with Troopers' movement bonus ('cause I don't remember if we ever added that detail after we discussed it...)
  • Finish putting buttons on the lobby screen.
  • Create a class for those cool-looking custom components.
    • ...and then redo the login and team creation screens with those components.
  • Fix standalone server app.  (I fear that the problem may point to a fundamental flaw in the architecture, so I really want to resolve this!  Plus I really need it for testing.)
Medium priority:

  • MAJOR DECISION:  Decide if team objects maintain character objects (as in the current design), or if character objects have their own data structure.  Both?  (One problem with that: We'd have to be sure to remove both references to the character if that character is retired.)
  • Diagram and analyze current architecture.  Identify candidates for refactoring before creating new screens.
  • Begin work on game state (after refactoring).
  • Begin work on team configuration screen (after refactoring).
Low priority:

  • Experiment with the idea of automating the creation of isometric floor and wall tiles.
  • Add "Spectator" option to Main Menu.
  • Change layout of main menu.  Put in placeholder for skyline backdrop.
  • Add sound capability to MHGUIButton class.
  • Update color cycle control with new buttons.
  • Add colors, icons, or both to the client list on the Lobby screen.
  • Fix MHFramework image loading bug.

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