Tuesday, August 16, 2011

About those two bugs I mentioned...

In my previous post, I mentioned that there were two known issues remaining in the turn-based functionality.  In the interest of honesty, disclosure, and bug tracking, I thought it might be a good idea if I actually record what those issues are.  So here ya go.

First and most importantly, the server fails to advance to the next player once a player has finished his/her turn.  There is no workaround, but I do have an idea about what's causing it: the location of the functionality.  I think I put it in the message handler for the CHARACTER_MOVE message, but I don't think that message is actually being used.

Second, the Actions menu has a bug where you can only move a character one time.  If you try to move again, the character ignores your command.  There is an easy workaround for the time being:  If you click the Test button on the HUD, it resets the menu and your character can move again.  The solution to this problem is most likely in the initialization of the menu, which would explain why resetting the menu fixes the problem.

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