Sunday, April 1, 2012

Milestone 1, Phase 1 Complete

The first phase of Milestone 1 is finished!  Seem fast?  Well, it was, but only because it was pretty easy stuff.  Phase 2 is significantly more difficult, but I'll get to that later.  First, a recap of Phase 1.

Requirement 1.1:  The system shall perform a pre-validation of actions available to a character when it is that character’s turn.
Of the four action commands that a player can give to a character, three require validation:  Heal, Move, and Attack.  That validation is now taking place with the following conditions:

  • Heal:  Available if the character has taken damage and has at least one Heal Token in inventory.
  • Move:  Available if the character can move at least one space in any of the four valid movement directions.
  • Attack:  Available if the character has a line of sight to a valid target in any of the eight valid attack directions and has at least one Combat Token with offensive value.
Requirement 1.2:  The system shall construct a UI (the Actions Menu) which allows the selection of an available action based on validation results.
I may have cut some corners here, but I found a way to get this done without any dramatic changes or additional graphics.  My secret?  First, I validate on the client side instead of confirming everything through the server.  Second, I don't show disabled controls.  I just hide the buttons if the validation from Requirement 1.1 says they're not available.  It's not quite my original vision for the UI, but it'll do for now.  That sort of thing can be fixed in beta if feedback from testers seems to warrant it.

So now it's on to the next phase, which contains just one big, hairy requirement:

Requirement 1.3:  If the Attack action is available and is selected from the Actions Menu, the system shall display the directions in which an attack is possible and allow selection of one of these directions.

I'll tackle this one tomorrow.  Goodnight, world!

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