Thursday, June 16, 2011

The Pathfinder is Functional

After a long "dry spell" of being far too busy to touch the project, I'm back with a vengeance.  Finally today I was able to sit down with the project to do some analysis and write some code.  The result: I solved the problem I was having a couple of months ago when I left off -- the pathfinder appears to be functional.

The circles represent all of the places that Trooper Mandy can go.  The filled circle was the one that the mouse pointer was hovering over at the time the screen shot was taken. Valid destinations are determined by the character's equipment and a die roll.
This piece of the puzzle is not finished, however.  There are still several steps remaining in this subsystem, such as:

  • A lot more detail on the interface, like...
    • Who's selected.
    • How many movement points the selected character has.
  • Path following behavior.
    • And the associated character animations, of course.
  • A way to capture and process the selected destination tile.

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