Monday, April 2, 2012

Requirement 1.3 in Progress

I spent all day today working on Requirement 1.3 (aka Milestone 1, Phase 2).  I estimate that it's about 75% done.  Part of the validation is working and the directional buttons and labels are showing up correctly.  Check it out:

Captain Tom of the Blue Team has a combat token and, as the labeled arrows indicate, a clear shot at two enemies:  Matt and Debra of the Yellow Team.  Of course, he's also in their line of sight too, which will be a bad place to be once they're actually able to attack.
Here's what's remaining before this phase is complete:

  • The validation rules need to be completed.  Right now, they consider any character to be a target, including your own teammates.
  • The arrows need to respond to mouse clicks by tracing the line of sight to get a reference to the chosen target and then storing it somewhere temporarily so it can be transmitted to the game server along with the selected combat token to finish the combat interaction.

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